A good laugh is sunshine in a house.
A fool laughs when others laugh.
Let us not be laughing stocks to other men’s humors.
The laughter of man is the content-ment of God.
The vulgar often laugh but never smile.
He is not laughed at that laughs at himself first.
That day is lost on which one has not laughed.
We must laugh before we are happy, lest we die before we laugh at all.
Men show their characters in what they think laughable.
All-timed laughter is dangerous evil.
All things are cause for either laughter or weeping.
Laughter makes good blood.
Laugh, if you are wise.
He who loves to laugh has teeth that are white.
He laughs best that laughs fast.
When you laugh, all see; when you weep, no one.
Akuntansi, AKUNTANSI SEKTOR PUBLIK, Teori Ekonomi Klasik vs Teori Ekonomi Keynesian, biaya, indonesia, presiden, analisa, perbankan, uang, neraca, RERANGKA KONSEPTUAL – SUATU MODEL (teori akuntansi), bursa efek, laba, manajemen, laba-laba, psikology, hikmah, tokoh, pemikiran, detik.com

pikiran ragu dan takut adalah jalan menuju kegagalan..taklukkan sikap negatif dan ragu dan anda menaklukkan kegagalan...
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